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Blogging Bandwagon Jumpers

Are you starting a blog in 2019? Here's a list of some sites that I know are getting off the ground this year. Have one of your own? Let us know.

By Ernie SmithJanuary 2, 2019
#blogging #blogs #social media #writing

As a companion piece to my piece on starting a blog in 2019, I’m going to try my best to keep a running tally of new blogs that are getting going in 2019. Have one you’d like to add to the list? Shoot me an email and I’ll try my best to add you. Cheers!

Indie Digital Media, a new site from Richard MacManus, the New Zealand based founder of ReadWriteWeb (and himself a great example of an indie digital media icon), aims to bring together resources and thoughts about digital media, and will feature both insights and profiles with different independent creators, with the goal of picking up bigger lessons about digital media in the modern day. (The first profile is with me, but that’s besides the point!)

Melbourne Coffee Sucks: This is a new-year’s-resolution blog, inspired by Ernie’s end-of-year challenge. I’m a grumpy guy from Melbourne with opinions about coffee. I keep moaning at my friends about how it’s so hard to come by a good espresso in Melbourne, the self-proclaimed capital of coffee. The thing is, I like old-fashioned espresso, just like I like old-fashioned websites. Come read rants about good and bad local coffee, and perhaps other things that come up, or receive them in good old plain-text in your email.

Appinput.io, from idea to revenue. Follow along as serial entrepreneur Stuart Brent creates a Wizard of Oz MVP (that’s a startup that looks like it’s fully automated, but it’s a guy manually doing things instead of spending a bunch of money on costly development until the idea is proven), launches it and takes it from nothing to revenue as quickly as possible. Read weekly about the stumbles, the methods, and what marketing works and what doesn’t work. Join the journey and find out if this unproven business idea finds legs or is destroyed by the unforgiving business world.

The Solarpunk Druid: From the author, Craig Stevenson: “I’m committing myself to use it more and regularly post as my 2019 resolution. The blog is mostly for generating solarpunk themed content and a sort of journal of my exploration of paganism.”

At least one person was directly inspired by my chatter of the Fediverse: Reader Jason Pettus launched a Write.As blog, citing his frustration with Medium’s business model.

And a couple of old-timers

Beyond the folks who are just starting up their own sites, I also got some messages from folks who have been blogging for-freaking-ever. Among them:

Multilingual blogger Hans-Georg Lundahl has a whole serpentine list of blogs created for a variety of projects, some of which date back 15 years. “I have several blogs, some ’finished work’ like the assignment on Lithuania or the blogs on the 2004 pilgrimage, some running to this day,” he explains.

According to its author, the website of Chris ODonnell, who is not the actor, “has been online since 12/31/1995, and has been an official blog since 2001. I just completed a stunt of posting a blog post every day in December, so 31 straight posts.” Take that, Andrew Sullivan.

Ernie Smith Your time was wasted by … Ernie Smith Ernie Smith is the editor of Tedium, and an active internet snarker. Between his many internet side projects, he finds time to hang out with his wife Cat, who's funnier than he is.