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David Buck

David Buck

David Buck is a former radio guy/musician who researches and writes about all manner of strange and interesting music, legacy technology, Nintendo and data analysis.
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Articles By Year 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
December The New Millennium Blues The New Millennium Blues December 27, 2017 The New Millennium Blues The pop-culture panic leading up to the year 2000. Did all the Y2K TV movies, musical parodies, and animated homages make the problem worse? Rock and Roll Remodel Rock and Roll Remodel December 20, 2017 Rock and Roll Remodel A final requiem for Chicago's popular rock-themed McDonald's, a favorite of Wesley Willis, as it becomes "modernized." November Rock On Chicago Rock On Chicago November 16, 2017 Rock On Chicago The larger than life and times of Chicago artist/musician Wesley Willis—as well as the deeper inspirations behind the artistic output that defined his life. August Moore R. Stevie Moore Moore R. Stevie Moore August 30, 2017 Moore R. Stevie Moore Outsider rocker R. Stevie Moore has a lot of albums, new and old, and his collection is a bit daunting to dive into. This quick guide should help. The Man With 400 Albums The Man With 400 Albums August 29, 2017 The Man With 400 Albums The tale of R. Stevie Moore, perhaps the most prolific musician that the world has ever seen. So why haven't you heard of him?