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Andrew Egan

Andrew Egan

Andrew Egan is yet another writer living in New York City. He’s previously written for Forbes Magazine and ABC News. You can find his terrible website at CrimesInProgress.com.
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Articles By Year 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
December Hallmark Card Sharks Hallmark Card Sharks December 21, 2022 Hallmark Card Sharks How an early embrace of national advertising put Hallmark in the pole position of holiday memories. November Blaming the Messenger Blaming the Messenger November 12, 2022 Blaming the Messenger Who needs e-bikes when your legs can do all the hard work? Inspired by a recent competition in NYC, we’re talking bike messengers. October Calling Your Shot Calling Your Shot October 14, 2022 Calling Your Shot On the concept of self-referential fame, a tool some use even before they’ve actually become famous. September Riding for Your Life Riding for Your Life September 14, 2022 Riding for Your Life A slow-pedal into the fast takeover of the e-bike in New York City—particularly among food-delivery apps. It’s a wild ride out there. August A Blank’s Blank A Blank’s Blank August 17, 2022 A Blank’s Blank What does it mean to be an actor’s actor? Or a writer’s writer? Or … well, you get the idea. Let’s try to make sense of a phrase that shapes how we think about success. July Class, Dismissed Class, Dismissed July 15, 2022 Class, Dismissed Why class, a common topic in British comedy, too rarely gets discussed in American culture. June Immigrating to Your Dreams Immigrating to Your Dreams June 15, 2022 Immigrating to Your Dreams Considering the surprisingly complex mechanisms that face talented athletes attempting to immigrate to another country for a professional team. May Inventing Daylight Inventing Daylight May 25, 2022 Inventing Daylight On the evolution and growth of fluorescent colors in modern culture—especially in bright, neon, DayGlo form. April Living Life in a Bubble Living Life in a Bubble April 27, 2022 Living Life in a Bubble The lasting appeal of bubble hockey—and the unrelated patent lawsuit that’s keeping its inventor pretty busy these days. March Meal Deal Economics Meal Deal Economics March 11, 2022 Meal Deal Economics What a price hike for a U.K. supermarket chain’s popular meal deal tells us about the way we perceive food in a time of inflation. February Punts, Pop, and Patriotism Punts, Pop, and Patriotism February 11, 2022 Punts, Pop, and Patriotism The strange cultural climate (and impressive high notes, thanks to Whitney Houston) around one of the most iconic moments in the history of the Super Bowl. January Prize Patrol Immortality Prize Patrol Immortality January 7, 2022 Prize Patrol Immortality Why Publishers Clearing House, a famously low-odds way of becoming rich beyond your wildest dreams, suddenly wants to pass down your winnings … if you win.