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Andrew Egan

Andrew Egan

Andrew Egan is yet another writer living in New York City. He’s previously written for Forbes Magazine and ABC News. You can find his terrible website at CrimesInProgress.com.
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November Dead on Archival Dead on Archival November 24, 2021 Dead on Archival Considering the challenges that face shuttered newspapers with decades or even centuries of material to preserve. October Would I Lie to Monty Hall? Would I Lie to Monty Hall? October 20, 2021 Would I Lie to Monty Hall? The logic problem involving a game show host that drove people crazy in the early ’90s … and whether it applies to the panel shows of today. September Yikes! You Call That a Pencil? Yikes! You Call That a Pencil? September 24, 2021 Yikes! You Call That a Pencil? How a pencil made out of compressed particle boards became a schoolyard fad—and what that pencil line has to do with olestra. August Renamin’ Cajuns Renamin’ Cajuns August 27, 2021 Renamin’ Cajuns How a somewhat obscure Louisiana university got a gradual name upgrade in the eyes of state law—and of college football (of course). July The Things That Go Bump On The Web The Things That Go Bump On The Web July 30, 2021 The Things That Go Bump On The Web Explaining the power of collaborative fiction on the web—particularly the extremely compelling work of the SCP Foundation. June Billboard Empire Billboard Empire June 25, 2021 Billboard Empire The evolution of the billboard, an object that very much tends to keep pace with the times. Who doesn’t love outdoor advertising? Home Security Insecurities Home Security Insecurities June 2, 2021 Home Security Insecurities Wait, so why could changes to the cellular system cause headaches for your home security setup? And honestly, is it really that big of a deal? April The Letter in the Window The Letter in the Window April 28, 2021 The Letter in the Window The wacky and surprising history of NYC restaurant inspections. That letter grade is a lot more effective than you might think. March No Shortage of GPUs Here No Shortage of GPUs Here March 26, 2021 No Shortage of GPUs Here What makes a GPU a GPU, and when did we start calling it that? Turns out that’s a more complicated question than it sounds. February Ignoring The Warnings Ignoring The Warnings February 26, 2021 Ignoring The Warnings Two decades later, a parable about safety in sports—one that led to the death of a NASCAR legend—feels more relevant than ever. January Canada’s Vegas Vacation Canada’s Vegas Vacation January 29, 2021 Canada’s Vegas Vacation The tale of the star player you’ve probably never heard of … unless your definition of “football” extends past the Canadian border.