Since 2015, Ernie Smith's Tedium has been hunting for the end of the long tail, and we've yet to find it. But we'd sure love it if you followed us on our journey. Especially now that we're ten friggin' years old and we're still using a Street Fighter II slogan as our subscribe button. Validate the use of obscure video game slang as a successful subscription strategy. Click the button.
Check out our latest attention ploys
On the passing of Mark Discordia, a ’90s video game fan who got a troll’s welcome to the internet. He was a plumber who loved Mario. Nothing wrong with that.
This is a newsletter that existed before Substack. (We even turned Substack down!) Our goal is to outlive it. But we will be unable to do so unless you put your email in this box and let us invade your inbox with these messages that we send when we feel like it. It's an important obligation. Are you up to the task?