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Michael Bentley

Michael Bentley

Michael Bentley is the VP of Editing for the Partnership for Academic Competition Excellence. He also works as a data scientist in Seattle.
Articles By Year 2022 2021 2020
December Old Stories, New Eyes Old Stories, New Eyes December 17, 2021 Old Stories, New Eyes A second opinion on some of Tedium’s stories throughout 2021—including an incredibly unusual coincidence involving braided nylon cables. September Intellectual Pinball Intellectual Pinball September 15, 2021 Intellectual Pinball Q: Following the great video game crash of 1983, where did arcade operators and bar owners go next? A: Trivia games! May Retro Psychology Retro Psychology May 21, 2021 Retro Psychology Two memory scholars published a 1983 book on the psychology of video games. What elements of gaming culture are still with us, and what have faded away? February 2001: A Gaming Odyssey 2001: A Gaming Odyssey February 3, 2021 2001: A Gaming Odyssey A look back at 2001, a pivotal year for online gaming. The big-name publishers weren’t really ready, but fan games more than filled the gap.