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Yuri Litvinenko

Yuri Litvinenko

Yuri Litvinenko is a media and telecom reporter at Kommersant, a Russian business newspaper, and was previously working as a news editor at Kommersant and Vedomosti. In his spare time, he maintains 30pin, an online magazine of consumer tech history.
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Articles By Year 2022 2021 2020 2019
December Pure Polycarbonate Pure Polycarbonate December 26, 2019 Pure Polycarbonate Nintendo copied Apple, while Apple copied Braun. Why are there so many electronics made of white polycarbonate, no matter the decade? August Smartphones, Except Landlocked Smartphones, Except Landlocked August 13, 2019 Smartphones, Except Landlocked Before the smartphone fit in your pocket, it sat on your desk—and sometimes, it was even called an iPhone. Let’s check out a few landline smartphones. June Not iPod, iPAQ Not iPod, iPAQ June 6, 2019 Not iPod, iPAQ There was a time when the iPAQ was ubiquitous part of the handheld market. But before that, the forgotten Compaq-borne brand surfaced in many bizarre contexts. May Photon Phailure Photon Phailure May 16, 2019 Photon Phailure Microsoft’s late-era Windows Phone 7 did away with a decade of evolution. Its Photon project tried to do the same—while keeping the Windows Mobile legacy alive.